About Us

Headteacher’s Welcome

I am proud to welcome you to our school.

St Monica’s Catholic Primary School is a safe, happy and purposeful environment where children and adults thrive. We offer our children a broad and inspiring curriculum which ensures they reach their full potential socially, spiritually and academically. We are blessed to work closely with our local Parish and community to ensure all children grow in their faith and love of God.

We are successful because there is a commitment from the whole school community to living out our Mission Statement which is a recognised strength in our recent RE Inspection.

‘The school mission statement ‘let trust, respect and love live here’ is visible not only in the environment but also in the way it is lived out by the school community.’ (Section 48 Report, June 2023)

We feel privileged that parents have chosen our school for their child and we work hard to include them in school life through newsletters, information evenings, stay and play/Pray sessions and invites to many school events. We offer children a range of extra-curricular clubs and we are involved in many sporting events with other primary schools.

As a child, I attended St Monica’s and it is a great privilege to continue my journey as Headteacher and have a positive impact on the futures of the children we serve. I am very fortunate to work alongside exceptional staff and dedicated governors who ensure children are at the heart of all we do.

We would love to show you our school in action and welcome any parent who would like to look have a tour to contact us and make an appointment for a convenient time. Children are also encouraged to attend.

For general enquiries and school tours, please do not hesitate to contact me on stmonicas@st-monicas.co.uk.

Kind Regards,

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