We have been developing our remote learning platform which will ensure that children can access their learning from home if a class or year group is required to self-isolate or local restrictions require pupils to remain at home due to COVID.
In order to support learning from home, we will be using Google Classroom which you can access over the internet. Some classes may also be using this to access homework so that you and your children get used to using Google Classroom. If you have children at secondary school, they may already be using Google Classroom.
If you have any questions on your child’s learning, please email their teacher or email our school email address at stmonicas@st-monicas.co.uk
This information is about what to expect from remote education from our school if national or local restrictions require entire year groups (or bubbles) to remain at home.
For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this document.
Much of our remote learning for children in Year 1 and above will be accessed by your children via Google Classroom, including Google Meet, a live online video meeting function.
Pupils can access Google Classroom via a web browser by visiting www.classroom.google.com. They should sign in using their @st-monicas.co.uk email address and password that they have been given by their teacher.
Please follow this help guide if you need any support logging in to Google Classroom.
We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate.
However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects and for some ages of children. For example, in Nursery and Reception, where work would have been done ‘hands on’ in school, we try to adapt this to remote education where we can. For example, in Maths, we encourage the youngest children to use objects such as food and toys from home to assist their learning when using the videos and completing tasks.
While we will follow the curriculum that would be taught in school as closely as possible, changes and considerations will be made based on the access children may have to particular resources at home. For example, Science lessons may be based more on modelling online rather than children completing experiments and, in History, there may be less use of real artefacts for children to investigate.
Children will be able to access IT programs they would usually use in school besides Google Classroom e.g. Purple Mash (our IT curriculum program), Times Table Rockstars, Numbots (for younger children) and, for Year 2 upwards, Accelerated Reader and MyON (our online library).
We will supply the children and adults with as much information as we can to help them understand the curriculum at home.