Religious Education is a central part of our learning and our Catholic life at St Monica’s.
Come and See is the Religious Education (RE) program we use as recommended by the Bishops of England and Wales and provides the basis for RE lessons throughout the school. This curriculum was launched in September 2012. It gives children an engaging curriculum that covers all of the content of the RE Curriculum Directory (‘RECD’), where they are able to learn through a variety of experiences and activities planned by their class teacher. On days of particular religious significance, for example Ash Wednesday, additional activities and assemblies or services will also take place.
Besides the formal RE syllabus, every opportunity is taken to ensure the message of the Gospel is in all the work of the school, including in daily prayer, assemblies, hymn sessions, Masses and other services and throughout the rest of the curriculum.
In the documents below, you will find an overview of the Come and See topics by year group, documents which cross reference the RECD to the Come and See Program, as well as parents’ letters about Come and see which provide more detail on RE and key dates on a term by term basis.
Please contact us on if you have any queries on your child’s learning in school.
Our school teaches phonics (the sounds and other basic skills children use from when they start to read) using the scheme Read Write Inc (RWI). For more information on RWI please see: